Our People

The Lutheran church is one of the major Christian churches. It is the largest Protestant church. There are more than sixty million Lutherans in the world.
The greatest number of Lutherans is in northern Europe and the USA. In Australia and New Zealand almost 255,000 people call themselves Lutherans.
Our History
The Lutheran church is the oldest Protestant church. It dates back to the Reformation in the sixteenth century when Martin Luther challenged some of the teachings and practices of the church of his day. Luther insisted that the Bible is the authority that decides what the church should teach and do. The name 'Lutheran' was given to people who believe that Martin Luther was right in his interpretation of the Bible.
The Lutheran church has been in Australia and New Zealand for 175 years. In the 1830s small groups of Lutherans emigrated in search of religious freedom. They settled mainly in rural areas in various parts of the country. Today the Lutheran church is made up of people from rural and urban areas and many different cultural backgrounds.
Our Beliefs and Teachings
In the words of the classic Lutheran summary of faith, we believe that we are saved 'by grace, for Christ's sake, through faith'. In other words, there is nothing we can do to earn God's favour or to gain eternal life. Through his death and resurrection, Jesus Christ has won all this and more for us. We also believe that only the Bible is the source of inspiration and teaching.
Lutheran Schools
The Lutheran Church of Australia has a rich history in education. Since the first Lutheran school opened in 1839 Lutheran schools have grown considerably.

Today over 38,000 students receive their education in 86 Lutheran schools throughout Australia. They are located in every state and territory apart from the ACT.
In addition, close to 4,000 children are educated and cared for in 52 Lutheran early childhood centres around the nation.
What's so special about a Lutheran school?
- Lutherans have operated schools in Australia since 1839
- Students in Lutheran schools are seen as unique people created by God
- Core values of love, justice, compassion, forgiveness, service, humility, courage, hope, quality and appreciation
- Schools strive to provide an education of excellence
Lutheran schools aim to provide a Christ centered quality education for young Australians. The gospel of Jesus Christ informs all learning, teaching and human relationships.