
The safety and wellbeing of all people in the Redeemer community is foundational to creating a safe and vibrant place for students and staff to engage in learning. Redeemer Lutheran College has appropriate policies regarding acceptable standards of behaviour and the safety of all community members, which are reviewed periodically. As a Christian Community Redeemer is committed to growing effective relationships for learning.

The College may collect your personal information through this website. Personal information collected is managed in accordance with the College’s privacy policy.

Please read more about our specific school policies using the links below:

LCA Safe Place Policy

As a school of the Lutheran Church, Redeemer adopts the national 'Safe Place' policy set up by the Lutheran Church of Australia (LCA). If you believe you are a victim of sexual abuse by an employee, paid or volunteer, of the Lutheran Church of Australia, help is at hand by phoning the hotline number:

Free call: 1800 644 628

 OR you can write to:
 The Supervisor
 LCA Safe Place
 PO Box 519, Marsden SA 5070

OR email report.abuse@safeplace.lca.org.au

The hotline and email address are for those who feel they have been sexually harassed or abused within the LCA, and signs advising these details are posted around the college campus. Staff must undertake regular training in the policy which may be read in full on the LCA website: www.lca.org.au