The College is served by a very active and energetic Parents and Friends Committee. It conducts a variety of regular social and fundraising functions and has made a number of valuable gifts to the College, the most notable of which is the swimming pool. In 2011, the Parents and Friends Committee provided the remainder of the Junior School classrooms with air-conditioning.
The P&F aims to foster family interaction, running social functions organised by its Social Committee. It holds general meetings at the College on selected nights, commencing at 7.00pm in SRC6 (Freeman Room within the Senior Resource Centre at the rear of the College Green behind the Chapel). Meeting dates are listed below and are also published in the weekly newsletter, Redeemer Blue.
The P&F levies all College families $25 per term, which is then granted back to the College to fund capital equipment to benefit our students.
Parents & Friends Management Committee
Members of the Parents and Friends Management Committee in 2024 are:
- President: Belinda Thurstun
- Vice President: Annette Rostron
- Secretary: Jenni Quilkey
- Treasurer: Sonia Zhu
- Parent Reps - Junior School: TBC
- Parent Reps - Senior School: Petta Traynor
Email: pandf@redeemer.com.au
The full list of contact details are listed on MyRedeemer. Click Here to login.