Supporter Groups

Our two supporter groups, Sports and Music (Performance Arts), are run by small groups of passionate parents and play an active role in supporting our students in their chosen endeavours. In addition to providing moral and vocal support, they raise funds for extra equipment or services, provide refreshments or meals and enjoy making friends with like-minded parents. These groups organise the canteen facilities at GBC home games, assist at music performances and musicals, and contribute to the stall management at the Redeemer Fair.

The groups operate under the umbrella of the Parents and Friends Committee.

Meeting dates for Supporter Groups are published in the College Calendar and the Newsletter.

Sport Supporter Group

The aim of the Sport Supporter Group is to promote the Redeemer Spirit and engage the Redeemer community closer together, whilst also providing a valuable service with the provision of refreshments at sporting events. In addition, funds raised by the group will go directly back into the various sporting teams through purchase of training equipment and sporting team equipment, as well as providing financial support for sporting carnival registrations.

The success of any supporters group is based on the engagement of the community and, as such, we are looking for parents and caregivers to become involved and join the team supporters. This can be achieved by volunteering time behind a canteen on game days, manning the barbecue, or by volunteering in other fundraising activities.

If you would like to know more about the Redeemer Sport Supporter Group or become involved, please contact either the College Sport Office via, or the College P&F Committee via

Music Supporters

The Music Supporters’ Group raises funds through concerts and other events to assist the Music Department with the purchase of additional instruments and equipment for students who are part of this expanding program. Come along to one of our informal meetings to learn more about how you can help. Contact David Law on 3340 8888 for more information. Parents/caregivers of students in all sub-schools are welcome.

Some of the items the Music Supporters Group has provided to the College across the years include:

  • Three digital keyboard (2023)
  • Choir Rise - worth $4,000
  • New Drum Kit for Studio 6 (used for percussion lessons)
  • Gong for the Concert Bands
  • French Horn (Purchased in 2010)
  • Extra tutor books for the Year 5 band program (2010)
  • Double Bass (2009)
  • Two Honours Boards in mahogany
  • Tuba
  • Subsidising of the biennial Piano and Vocal competition
  • Championship Trophies for the Biennial Piano and Vocal Competition
  • Tablecloths and candle holders for Chamber by Candlelight evening
  • Donations towards make-up for the musicals