Welcome to Junior School
Redeemer Junior School provides the strongest start to the educational journey for our students. We are excited to have programs, facilities and opportunities that enrich the experience of the youngest members in our community, and we believe these foundations are an investment into an outstanding Prep to Year 12 experience for learners.
As a College providing an education for the whole child, we aim to develop the academic, the emotional and spiritual strengths of our children.
The Junior School consists of Three Home Group classes per year level. Students have a Home Group (or classroom teacher) for the year, but also have the added advantage of working with other teachers within the year level cohort. Home Group teachers, Specialist teachers, Academic Advancement teachers and Teacher Assistants work together as a team to ensure that students are supported, challenged and extended in all aspects of school life.
Mrs Kellie Hardke | Head of Junior School
The staff at Redeemer, are passionate about providing a learning environment where students feel valued within a safe, secure and caring community, and nourished through a comprehensive pastoral care program. Our vision is to build a love of learning amongst our students.
Head of Junior School | Mrs Kellie Hardke |
Dean of Learning - Junior Years | Mrs Heidi Barnes |
Dean of Students P-6 | Mrs Leah Storer |
Pastoral Care Coordinator P-6 | Mr Andy Marshall |

Learning in the Junior School combines intentional, structured approaches, particularly to literacy and numeracy, with curiosity-driven learning experiences that value student agency, project-based approaches and learning that empowers students as positive change-makers in their world.
Innovative learning experiences occur in all core subject areas, but what sets Redeemer apart is the intentional approach to allowing students to participate and challenge themselves in other opportunities inside and out of the classroom. Experiences in the Arts, Science, LOTE (Languages Other Than English), Outdoor Education and a wide range of co-curricular activities are dynamic and challenging. Our Innovatr Program, Reader’s Cup, Chess and Creative Writing are just the tip of the learning pyramid in which the talents and interests of children are nurtured and extended. A key feature of our outstanding Music Curriculum is a comprehensive and integrated instrumental program across all ages as well as a number of choirs, bands and ensembles to meet all abilities.
Our students are also encouraged to engage in the many sporting activities on offer. Team sports for our years 3-6 students offer an opportunity for students to build their physical skills. Students in the younger year levels are also offered opportunities to participate in sporting activities during break times and after school.
Our Resource Centre, Makery, outdoor playgrounds, pool, gardens, Multi-Purpose Centre indoor space, and classrooms are set amongst a lush green landscape where students have the space to learn and play. Learning spaces are designed to accommodate age specific learning needs and whilst embodying contemporary learning design principles. Redeemer Junior School is a very special place for our students to grow and learn.
The School Day
The school day for all Junior School students commences at 8.25am and concludes at 3.00pm. Before School Care and After School Care is also available as part of Redeemer's OSHC (Outside School Hours Care). Students also have the opportunity of joining the Vacation Care program each holiday period.
Junior School Events
Celebrating events and coming together as a community is important in the Junior School. There are many events in the Junior School involving students:
- Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals
- Book Week Celebrations
- Camps
- Grandparents Day
- Lunar New Year Celebrations
- Under Eights Day Celebrations
- Year Level Excursions and Incursions