Welcome to Redeemer Senior School

Redeemer Lutheran College has a strong tradition of academic achievement, in a vibrant learning community where students are encouraged to strive to do their personal best, engaging wholeheartedly in the learning process.
Pastoral care is central to the culture of Redeemer and permeates all aspects of school life, integrating academic, social, emotional and spiritual dimensions to care for the individual.
Participation in all aspects of school life assists our students to engage in various activities which contribute to a holistic education, relationship building and a strong sense of belonging in the school community. Students are given many opportunities both in and out of the classroom to explore their God-given gifts and talents in a nurturing environment.
Our Learning Mentor Program is a crucial part of our academic program, based on the understanding that each student has their own individual abilities, strengths and challenges. Learning Mentor teachers work with students to set individual goals, to strive to do their personal best and to foster a growth mindset and desire for improvement within each learner.
Our teachers are dedicated and passionate professionals with qualifications and expertise in their specialised teaching areas. Teachers engage in ongoing professional development to ensure that they are facilitating dynamic and creative learning environments, encouraging curiosity, collaboration and life-long learning, inspiring students to be servant leaders in our global world.
The Senior School offers a Year 7 precinct and creative learning environments. The newly built Innovation Hub features open spaces to maximise access to visible learning and teaching practice and contemporary learning spaces that reflect tertiary learning and modern workplaces. Science laboratories, Film and Television studios including green screen, Engineering hub, E-Sports lab, Business hub and Art, Fashion and Design studios.
The Senior School caters for students in Years 7-12 with two distinct programs, the Middle Years from Years 7-9 and the Senior Years from Years 10-12.
Come and visit our Senior School! You will be impressed by our committed teaching staff, respectful students, beautiful grounds and contemporary, future focussed facilities. But, more importantly, you will witness a community that cares for and fosters the development of each individual.
Mrs Anastasia Strong | Head of Senior School
Middle Years Program | Senior Years Program |
Years 7-9 | Years 10-12 |
Pastoral Care
At Redeemer we aim to treat all students with the love, respect and concern they deserve. This is at the core of our pastoral care system.
Each student is a member of a home group. In Year 7, students are in a home group with their Year 7 peers. Dedicated teachers assist students to transition into the Senior School through orientation activities, home group time and learning mentor sessions.
Students are assigned a House (Lavarack, Mansfield, Ramsay and Wilson) which they belong to for their Redeemer journey. In Year 8–12, students are grouped in multi-age home groups which meet daily and where devotions and activities foster a sense of belonging in a Christian community. The House system also is the basis of much friendly but hard fought rivalry. Houses compete for the House Cup awarded annually to the House which has been the most successful in a range of events including Swimming, Cross Country, Athletics Carnivals; Pavement Art and ReCykle.
Year Level Pastoral Care Leaders, Learning Mentors and Home Group teachers oversee the spiritual, academic, emotional and social development of students.
Academically, most of our students embark on a rigorous academic program which prepares them for tertiary education or they may access an alternative pathway which includes school-based apprenticeships and traineeships combined with Certificate courses offered by TAFE and other outside providers. Opportunities are also available through studying University subjects in Year 12. Our goal is that students will be equipped for lifelong learning.
Opportunities to participate in co-curricular activities are many and varied. Musical groups include the Senior Concert Band, Senior Singers and The Fellas and Redeemer has an enviable reputation in musical competitions. Similarly, we have an extensive sporting program as well as cultural opportunities in activities like debating, chess, drama, etc.
Service Leadership
Service Leadership is a key part of our focus.
The Student Leadership Program at Redeemer is based on the belief that all young people are capable of leading others, given the opportunity and appropriate adult support. Since 2003, Redeemer has offered every Senior School student the opportunity to be a member of one of several student leadership groups that meet regularly to initiate, plan, run and then evaluate activities for students. Each committee’s overall aims are to promote and improve their specific area of school life.
The committee groups offered include:
Community Service, Faith and Service, Cultural and Traditions, Academic and Earth Care. These committees provide opportunities for all students to contribute to school life and, indeed, they are responsible for organising many activities throughout the year. The student Committee Captains are part of the Student Leadership Team working with the College Captains and Vice-Captains, House Captains, Music and Sport Captains.
All students in the Senior School have an opportunity to nominate to attend Student Council meetings as representatives of their year level.
Students are also encouraged to serve the community through the Helping Hands van, where students, staff and congregation members work together every Friday night to minister and serve those in need, in our local community.
The biennial Cambodia Tour and Awareness Week are opportunities for students to think and serve globally.
Senior School Hours
Students are expected to arrive at school between 8.00am and 8.20am in time to assemble outside home rooms for roll marking and home group activities at 8.25am. The school day finishes at 3.15pm and the Senior School Resource Centre is open until 5.00pm Monday to Friday.