Senior School Academic Program (7-12)

Students in the Senior School are presented with a curriculum that provides opportunities to experience a broad range of compulsory and elective subjects.
Elective subjects enable students to tailor a course of study that suits their interests and abilities. A well planned course of study will provide a pathway towards a variety of post schooling work and study options.
Mr Aaron Hardke | Dean of Learning, Senior Years
Middle Years: Years 7-9
Redeemer’s Academic program in the Middle Years seeks to balance student choice with a rigorous rounded education.
Students entering Year 7 study a compulsory program of subjects from each Learning Area as defined by the Australian Curriculum. Students also engage in Christian Studies and access our Learning Mentor Program. Most subjects in Year 7 are studied for the full year, while others are studied as part of a term rotation program. Year 7 students are exposed to a wide variety of learning experiences that assist them in making informed subject selections moving into Years 8 and 9.
Students in Years 8 and 9 continue with a rounded education through compulsory study in English, Mathematics, Science, The Humanities, Health and Physical Education, and Christian Studies. Students also choose from a range of elective subjects offered in The Arts, Languages, Design, Digital and Lifestyle Technologies. Students are encouraged to select a range of subjects by choosing at least one subject in each of these Learning Areas across their studies in Years 8 and 9. The combination of compulsory and elective subjects in Years 8 and 9 allows students to pursue areas of interest without compromising a broad education.
- Information about the Year 8 and 9 academic program is available in the Year 8 & 9 Subject Information Booklet.
Senior Years: Years 10-12
Redeemer’s Academic Program in the Senior Years seeks to equip students with a rigorous foundation for their chosen pathways.
Students in the Years 10 continue with compulsory studies in English, Mathematics, Health and Physical Education and Christian Studies. Students also select 4 elective courses. These courses draw on the Year 10 Australian Curriculum with additional influences from the Queensland ATAR suite of subjects. Based on student learning experiences in Year 10, students may then choose to:
- continue the course in Years 11–12
- make an alternative decision within the learning area, for example, elect to study Design rather than Engineering
- choose a different pathway, for example, choose a course from a different learning area.
Year 10 is designed to equip students with skills and knowledges in preparation for the Academic demands of Year 11 and 12.
In Year 11 and 12 students may choose to continue with their year 10 courses or make changes based on their year 10 experiences. Students may also choose to pursue VET qualifications, some of which contribute towards the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR).
Elective Subjects enable students to tailor a course of study that aligns with their interests and abilities. A well-planned course of study will provide a pathway towards a variety of post-school work and further study destinations.
Careers Education
Careers – Years 10
Students in Year 10 are provided supported in developimg their understanding of Careers and develop personal SET (Senior Education and Training) Plans.
Careers - Years 11 & 12
Information for students studying in Years 11 and 12 can be found on the Careers Information Portal. Items include: open days and information sessions, work experience information, scholarships and cadetships, and useful links. The information is provided by the Careers Coordinator of Redeemer Lutheran College.
Learning Support Programs
Specific programs are developed for students who require additional support and are delivered by specially trained staff in the Learning Enhancement and EAL (English as an Additional Language) departments.
Due to a wider variety of subjects in Years 11 and 12, students who may have required Learning Assistance in Year 10 often find they no longer require this same level of assistance. Students are assisted to create a course of study that suits their interests, needs and abilities.