Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

BYODs at school is a logical fit in a connected society that is both increasingly personalised, and global. Students are living in a world of personal ICT devices and increasing connectivity. We believe that a college BYOD program best supports and prepares students as life-long learners.
A BYOD program not only develops digital literacies and responsibilities in students, but also literacy, numeracy and collaborative, creativity and inquiry skills. Students come to appreciate ICTs not just as a social or entertainment device, but also a work tool.
In order to create a safe and effective learning environment, Junior School and Senior School students are provided with clear guidelines to enable them to manage their devices as safely and effectively as possible. Throughout the year, support is provided for students to develop the skills necessary to manage their device, software and document storage / file management etc.
The College continues to provide the appropriate
hardware and software throughout the campus to support specialist
student learning. Students access computer labs when necessary to
support the requirements of the Design and Digital Technologies, and
multimedia production.