2024 College Sport Awards

On Thursday, 10 October, we proudly hosted the 2024 College Sport Awards, welcoming over 200 students, families, and staff. Our special guests, ultra-marathon runner Miss Jacqui Bell and Brisbane Lions AFL player Mr Bruce Reville, shared insights about their experiences in school sports and their athletic journeys.

Congratulations again to the following students who received an Award.

Overall Awards:

Sportsman of the Year - Eli Hadwen (Year 12)
Sportswoman of the Year - Zoe Reid (Year 12)
Junior Secondary Sportsman of the Year - Jayden Strong (Year 9)
Junior Secondary Sportswoman of the Year - Jessica Rostron (Year 9)
Junior Sportsman of the Year - Sebastian Meadows (Year 6)
Junior Sportswoman of the Year - Kayley Lee (Year 6)
The P&F “Blue Spirit” Award for Service to Sport - Marina Chen (Year 10)

Carnival Awards:

Junior Boys Athletics Champion - Sebastian Meadows
Junior Boys Cross Country Champion - Wallace Leong
Junior Boys Swimming Champion - Wallace Leong
Junior Girls Athletics Champion - Sophie Mackenzie
Junior Girls Cross Country Champion - Kayley Lee
Junior Girls Swimming Champion - Kayley Lee

The Bronwyn Taylor Trophy for Girls’ Cross Country - Marina Chen
The Donna Zernicke Trophy for Girls’ Swimming - Nicole Beeley
The Hickey Trophy for Girls’ Athletics - Alexandra Ducke
The Klupp Perpetual Trophy for Boys’ Athletics - Rory Ryan-Southward
The Paice Trophy for Boys’ Swimming - Luke Beeley
The Stumer Family Trophy for Boys’ Cross Country - Eli Hadwen

Junior School Awards:

Junior Junior AFL Player of the Year - Ned Stiller
Junior Basketball Player of the Year - Connor Cai
Junior Football Player of the Year - Sebastian Meadows
Junior Indoor Cricket Player of the Year - Kiran Glover
Junior Netball Player of the Year - Emily Griffith
Junior Touch Football Player of the Year - Guy Anderson

Senior School Awards:

Best & Fairest Open A Boys’ Basketball - Jamie Cameron
The Anderson Trophy for Best & Fairest - Open A Soccer - Jeremy White
The Harris Perpetual Shield for Girls Touch - Shalise De Vere
The Kanowski Trophy for Girls’ Basketball - Sarah Gannon
The Mark Garton Trophy for Boys’ Volleyball - Luke Rostron
The Melissa Harris Perpetual Trophy for Girls’ Football - Ella White
The Redeemer Boys’ Touch Football Award - Bailey Darnell
The Redeemer Indoor Cricket Award - Elias Von Hellens
The Redeemer Trophy for Boys’ AFL - Zachary Richardson
The Redeemer Trophy for Girls’ AFL - Ella White
The Redeemer Trophy for Netball - Abbey Korner
The Tanya Reedman Shield for Girls Volleyball - Abi Thie

Football Select Boys Player of the Year - Jak Killian
Football Select Girls Player of the Year - Imogen Henderson

Netball Select Player of the Year - Sofia von Hellens
Netball Select Player of the Year - Olivia von Hellens

Volleyball Select Boys Player of the Year - Luca Vela
Volleyball Select Girls Player of the Year - Zoe Reid

Logan District School Sports Awards:

Charlotte Snelling
Olivia on Hellens
Alice Fan
Mathilda Gell
Kailey Horwood
Martha Mathew
Brianna Cumming
Alexandra Ducke
Zoe Reid
Oscar Anderson
Jacob Pieterse
Takuma Terasaki
Finn Weil
Jasper Walkenhorst
Eric Glimberg
Bradley Glover
Rory Ryan-Southward
Luke Rostron
Josiah Thomas

Cross Country:
Hayley Truss
Wallace Leong
Sebastian Meadows
Rookaya Dawoodjee
Hugo Genest
Jacob Pieterse
Jayden Redding
Charlotte Snelling
Takuma Terasaki
Khloe Yu
Alice Fan
Elias von Hellens
Liadain Weil
Marina Chen
Brad Glover
Lachlan Smith
Jonathon Stotschek
Daniel Watkins
Eli Hadwen
Luke Rostron

Ruby Fisher
Marlon Chen
Ashton Apitz
Myckala Cavero
Amelia Hill
Charlotte Snelling
Nicole Beeley
Luke Beeley

Metropolitan East School Sports Awards:

Luke Rostron
Charlotte Snelling
Sebastian Meadows
Josiah Thomas
Rory Ryan-Southward

Imogen Henderson
Jak Killian

Abi Thie
Luke Rostron

Other Categories:
Charlotte Snelling – Swimming
Charlotte Snelling – Triathlon

Queensland State Squads Awards:

Charlotte Snelling
Rory Ryan-Southward

Emily Tie
Carter James
Abi Thie
Luke Rostron

Other Categories:
Siddhant Sachdeva – Swimming
Charlotte Snelling – Triathlon
Charlotte Snelling – Cross Country

Thank you to our Sport Coaches, Mrs Lauren Curry, Miss Emily Thompson, Ms Danielle Hinton & Mr Nicholas Fee for all their work this year. To our College leaders, Principal Mrs Janelle Anderson, Mr Ben Babao, Mr Adam Ayling, Mrs Leah Storer and Mrs Kylie Wright for your attendance and assistance with presenting the awards.

Thanks to Mrs Annette Rostron (Vice President of Parents & Friends Association) for representing our College parents, our Health and Physical Education Staff: Mr Anthony Jeffes, Mrs Julie & Mr Geoff Logan, Mr Chris Anderson and Mrs Jodie Dart for your attendance and ongoing support, and finally, to Mrs Kate Wilkinson for giving up her time to take photos on the night.