Mt Binga Outdoor Education 2024 Group 2 Reflections

The second half of the Year 9 cohort returned from their 4-week Mt Binga Outdoor Education Experience at the end of Term 2. Another fantastic experience and learning journey for the students who attended, with a small selection of students reflecting on their Mt Binga time, below.

Samuel Seefeld

Binga, for all of us, provided an abundance of opportunities. Opportunities to collaborate towards shared objectives, learn more about our peers and challenge ourselves, giving us insight into our values, work ethic, and limitations.
At Binga, I learnt how to effectively contribute in a team setting and understand the viewpoints of those around me. I also appreciate the chances I had to demonstrate leadership skills. We were all in the same boat, and this allowed us to encourage each other well in times of challenge. Not only physical challenges, but social, as we tried to figure out who we are.
In the words of Chris, one of our leaders, “You can’t become a resilient, good person unless you go through some hardship and challenge”, and I’m grateful for the challenge.

Lindy Yang

Honestly, Binga was just a wonderful experience! It was a “once-in-a-lifetime” experience and I can’t believe how fast it went by.
I really enjoyed the moments between activities and jobs when I got to play board games with my friends and really appreciate the campgrounds. When every day is so exciting and adventure-filled, free time was greatly appreciated.
I found that Binga strengthened my relationships and sense of belonging at RLC. I surprised myself by interacting with people I was too intimidated to talk to previously. Although the hike was very challenging, I’m so grateful I pulled through. The days were very long and exhausting but it was all worth it when we arrived at the campsite to watch the sun go down and slurp on mac n cheese. I think it was an experience that brought us closer together and I will always be grateful for that.
Through the experience, I learned to communicate better. From working through conflicts with others, I found areas where I can improve as a communicator. Overall, Binga is such a great experience and I wish it didn’t have to be over!

Dylan Rubyono

Throughout my time in Binga, some of the things that I’ve loved included the relationships and skills I’ve made and learnt along the way. People I don’t usually talk to at school I chat with regularly everyday at Binga. I’ve also learnt many more skills at Binga, which has helped me become more independent at home. Some of the things I’ve learned at Binga include how to tie certain knots, how to ride horses, how to clean certain areas I’ve haven’t cleaned before, and how to work more efficiently as a team.
Challenges that I’ve experienced in Binga include always waking up at 6:00am every morning, as that routine is hard to maintain. Another challenge I’ve experienced is dealing with homesickness. I remember after the third week, I really started to feel the pressure of homesickness building upon me.
Despite all the challenges, Binga teaches you how to deal with challenges in life, and they teach you discipline, integrity, and honesty. All these aspects I will incorporate in my life from now on.

Iris Lau

Throughout my 4-week experience at Binga, I learned and achieved many moments and skills that I am really proud of. I loved making new friendships with everyone, the kind and supporting Binga staff, activities which required teamwork, and the really fun night activities.
I learnt how to communicate better with others, take responsibility and initiative and persevere when things get challenging. The 4-day hike definitely was the most challenging activity. Hours of walking with packs on was extremely difficult. Although it was hard, I had persevered and had support of my peers to push through to the end.
I took away the friendships I made, the challenges I faced, and a wonderful, once in a lifetime experience.

Josh Tran

Hi, my name is Josh Tran and I’m here to share my experiences of my Binga journey.
Firstly, Binga was a wonderful experience, challenging and teaching us life-long lessons. The camp consisted of various activities including tree climbing, hiking and solo camp. The program encouraged us students to step outside of our comfort zone and do the things which we normally don’t do.
For me, the program challenged me on both the mental and physical side. It taught me to take initiative, have responsibility and to strive being an independent man.
Overall, Binga was a once in a lifetime experience, changing our perspectives of ourselves and teaching us life-long lessons.

Lyanne Ooi

Binga was a place that had a variety of opportunities to grow and learn due to the challenges that it puts you through. This experience has taught me to be more responsible - not relying on my parents as much (although after I came back from Binga, my mum did all my washing, but we don’t talk about that).
I shared many moments with my group throughout the four weeks, going from laughter to tears in the span of seconds. Something that was really challenging was the hike, especially since I was sick throughout the whole hike, however that taught me to persevere.
Overall, Binga was an enjoyable experience and if I had the chance to participate in it again, I would.